The Works of HoraceMachine readable text

The Works of Horace
By Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Translated by: C. Smart
New York Harper & Brothers 1863

Perseus Documents Collection Table of Contents

   That all, but especially the covetous, think their own condition the hardest.
   Bad men, when they avoid certain vices, fall into their opposite extremes.
   We ought to connive at the faults of our friends, and all offenses are not to be ranked in the catalogue of crimes.
   He apologizes for the liberties taken by satiric poets in general, and particularly by himself
   He describes a certain journey of his from Rome to Brundusium with great pleasantry.
   Of true nobility.
   He humorously describes a squabble betwixt Rupilius and Persius.
   Priapus complains that the Esquilian mount is infested with the incantations of sorceresses.
   He describes his sufferings from the loquacity of an impertinent fellow.
   He supports the judgment which he had before given of Lucilius, and intersperses some excellent precepts for the writing of Satire.
   He supposes himself to consult with Trebatius, whether he should desist from writing satires, or not.
   On Frugality.
   Damasippus, in a conversation with Horace, proves this paradox of the Stoic philosophy, that most men are actually mad.
   He ridicules the absurdity of one Catius, who placed the summit of human felicity in the culinary art.
   In a humorous dialogue between Ulysses and Tiresias, he exposes those arts which the fortune hunters make use of, in order to be appointed the heirs of rich old men.
   He sets the conveniences of a country retirement in opposition to the troubles of a life in town.
   One of Horace's slaves, making use of that freedom which was allowed them at the Saturnalia,206 rates his master in a droll and severe manner.
   A smart description of a miser ridiculously acting the extravagant.

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Poem 5

He describes a certain journey of his from Rome to Brundusium with great pleasantry.

HAVING45 left mighty Rome, Aricia received me in but a middling inn: Heliodorus the rhetorician, most learned in the Greek language, was my fellow-traveler: thence we proceeded to Forum-Appi, stuffed with sailors and surly landlords. This stage, but one for better travelers46 than we, being laggard we divided into two; the Appian way is less tiresome to bad travelers. Here I, on account of the water, which was most vile, proclaim war against my belly, waiting not without impatience for my companions while at supper.

Now the night was preparing to spread her shadows upon the earth, and to display the constellations in the heavens. Then our slaves began to be liberal of their abuse to the watermen, and the watermen to our slaves. "Here bring to." "You are stowing in hundreds; hold, now sure there is enough."

Thus while the fare is paid, and the mule fastened, a whole hour is passed away. The cursed gnats, and frogs of the fens, drive off repose. While the waterman and a passenger, well-soaked with plenty of thick wine, vie with one another in singing the praises of their absent mistresses: at length the passenger being fatigued, begins to sleep; and the lazy waterman ties the halter of the mule, turned out a-grazing, to a stone, and snores, lying flat on his back. And now the day approached, when we saw the boat made no way; until a choleric fellow, one of the passengers, leaps out of the boat, and drubs the head and sides of both mule and waterman with a willow cudgel. At last we were scarcely set ashore at the fourth hour.47 We wash our faces and hands in thy water, O Feronia. Then, having dined, we crawled on three miles; and arrive under Anxur, which is built upon rocks that look white to a great distance. Maecenas was to come here, as was the excellent Cocceius, both sent embassadors on matters of great importance; having been accustomed to reconcile friends at variance.48 Here, having got sore eyes, I was obliged to use the black ointment. In the mean time came Macenas and Cocceius, and Fonteius Capito49 along with them, a man of perfect polish,50 and intimate with Mark Antony, no man more so.

Without regret we passed Fundi, where Aufidius Luscus was praetor,51 laughing at the honors of that crazy scribe,52 his praetexta, laticlave, and pan of incense.53 At our next stage, being weary, we tarry in the city of the Mamurrae,54 Murena complimenting us with his house,55 and Capito with his kitchen.