- 1998: Ph.D. The University of Chicago, Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World
- 1993: M.A. The University of Chicago, Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World
- 1992: B.A. The Colorado College, Magna Cum Laude, Classics-History-Politics
Academic Appointments
- 2016-Present: Curators' Distinguished Professor, Department of English, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2008-2016: Professor, Department of English, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2005-2008: Associate Professor, Department of English, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2000-2005: Assistant Professor, Department of English, Affiliated Faculty, Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 1998-2000: Post-Doctoral Research Position: Assistant Editor for Language and Lexicography, The Perseus Project, Tufts University
- 1992-1999: Instructor, Beginning and Intermediate Greek courses and Classical Literature in Translation at Tufts University, the University of Chicago, and the Colorado College
Administrative Appointments
- 2000 - Present: Director, Classical and Ancient Studies Program, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2022 - Present: Co-Director, Center for Digital and Public Humanities, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2019 - 2021: Director, First Semester Experience Program, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2010 - 2019: Director, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2012 - 2019: Director, Bachelor of Liberal Arts Program, University of Missouri-Kansas City
- 2005 - 2011: Chair, Department of English, University of Missouri-Kansas City
"Humanities Internships Program To Support Internship Programming For Humanities Students", Total Award: $5,0000,000. Co-Principal Investigator. Funded by the Mellon Foundation Higher Learning Program. Project Principal Investigator: Tamra Falicov, Dean, UMKC School of Humanities, Additional Co-Investigators: Diane Mutti-Burke, UMKC Department of HIstory. Grant Period: November 2024 - November 2029.
"Fostering An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Students and Faculty in UMKC’s Digital and Public Humanities Program", Total Award: $70,000. Funded by the Bloch School Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program. Co-Investigators: Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Department of English, Diane Mutti-Burke, Department of HIstory. Grant Period: August 2023 - May 2025.
"Unlocking the Mysteries of A Medieval Chant Book With Multispectral Imaging ", Principal Investigator. Total Award: $324,317. Funded by National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Advancement Grant Program. Co-Investigators: Virginia Blanton, Department of English, Yugi Lee, Department of Computer Science, Zhu Li, Department of Computer Science, Nathan Oyler, Department of Chemistry. Grant Period: September 2020- August 2024.
- "UMKC Data Science and Analytics Innovation Center Pilot Project Participant: Artificial Intelligence Using Cloud Platforms for Understanding Ancient and Medieval Texts", Principal Investigator. Co-Investigators: Virginia Blanton, Department of English, Yugi Lee, Department of Computer Science, Zhu Li, Department of Computer Science, Nathan Oyler, Department of Chemistry. Award Period: January 2021 - May 2023. Total Award: $25,294.
UMKC Large Scale Grant Proposal Workshop Participant. Total Award: $4,000. A course release award from the Office of Research Services to participate in a writing group for large scale grants with budgets of $1,000,000 or greater. Award Period: October 2021 - May 2022.
“Modelling Pliny's Natural History”. Linda Hall Library Scholar In Residence. Award period part 1: January 2020-March 2020, Award amount: $6,000. Award period part 2: April 2021 - June 2021, Award amount: $6,000.
- "Analyzing Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online (ATMO-2)." UMKC Subcontract: $34,399.60. Total Project Award to the University of Kansas: $200,000. Funded by the Luce Foundation. Grant Period: August 2018 - July 2022.
- "Multispectral Analysis of Missouri's Cultural Resources." Total Award: $95,000. Funded by the University of Missouri Intercampus Interdisciplinary Project. Grant Period: September 2014 - June 2016.
- "Multispectral Analysis of a Medieval Printed Book." Total Award: $110,729. Funded by the University of Missouri Research Board. Grant Period: June 2013 - June 2016.
- "A Digital Studio for the Optical and Chemical Analysis Of Manuscripts and Printed Books", Principal Investigator. Total Award: $59,896. Funded by National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant Program. Grant Period: May 2013 - June 2015.
- "Teaching Enhancement Grant: Online Spaced Repetition Exercises for Ancient Greek.", Principal Investigator. Total Award: $2,000. Funded by the Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching, University of Missouri-Kansas City. Grant Period: November 2011 - June 2012.
- "Building a Greek (and Latin) Treebank", Co-Principal Investigator. Total Award: $18,340. Funded by the Cantus Foundation. Grant Period: June 2009 - May 2011.
- "Finding Needles in a Field of Haystacks: An Odyssey in the Digital Pacific" Principal Investigator. Total Award: $6,970. Funded by the University of Missouri-Kansas City Faculty Research Grant. Grant Period: December 2007 - April 2009.
- "Approaching the Problems of Digitizing Latin Incunables" Principal Investigator. Total Award: $348,000. Funded By National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access Research and Development Projects Program. Grant Period: January 2005 - December 2007.
- Digital Hippocrates: An Online Version of the Great Physician's Works. Principal Investigator. Total Award $20,000. Funded By National Library of Medicine History of Medicine Division. Grant Period: July 2004 - June 2005
- "Cultural Heritage Language Technologies" Principal Investigator. Total Award: $497,000 and 530,000 Euros. Funded by the National Science Foundation Digital Libraries Initiative and the European Commission ITS Program. Grant Number 0122491. Grant Period: January 2002 - December 2005.
- "The Archimedes Project: Pursuing the Vision of an Open Digital Library for the History of Mechanics" Co-Principal Investigator. Total Award: $448,000. Funded by the National Science Foundation International Digital Libraries Initiative, Award Number: 0085960. Grant Period: September 2001 - August 2004
- "A Pilot Digital Library of Early Printed Works in the History of Science" Principal Investigator. Total award: $32,000. Funded by the University of Missouri Research Board, Grant Period: July 2003 - August 2004
- Digital Libraries and the Challenges of Digital Humanities, Chandos Press, October 2005. See catalog entry at
- Lysias: Selected Speeches: 1, 2, 3, 4, 24, Focus Classical Library, 2003.
Major Digital Projects
- A Digital Tutorial For Ancient Greek Based on White's First Greek Book ( A project to create a digital edition of John William White's First Greek Book that was originally published in 1896. The book contains a guided curriculum for Classical Greek built around the language and vocabulary of Xenophon's Anabasis. This digital tutorial is an evolving edition that is designed to run on both traditional browsers, tablet devices, and phones. Each lesson includes drill and practice exercises in addition to the text itself. The site also includes tab-delimited files for all of the vocabulary and grammar that can be imported into flashcard programs.
- Visual Explorer for the Language of Greek Tragedy ( The Visual Explorer for the Language of Greek Tragedy attempts to use social network graphs as a tool to visualize linguistic data drawn from Greek tragedies.
- Statistical Methods for Studying Literature Using R ( A companion web-site for a workshop that I initially ran at the University of Kansas's Digital Humanities Forum/THATCamp Representing Knowledge in the Digital Humanities in September of 2011 and expanded with a more literary focus at the (University of Kansas 2012 Digital Humanities Forum). It was further revised for an additional workshop at the University of Iowa Oberman Center for Advanced Study in the fall of 2014. A version of the site is being abridged and modified for inclusion in a forthcoming volume with a working title of Text Analytics for Literature: Tools & Methods from the Digital Humanities.. This site introduces the R environment, describe data structures in R, ways to format data about literary texts for statistical analysis, and provide practical examples of ways to use R to answer questions about literature.
- Cultural Heritage Language Technologies ( The Cultural Heritage Language Technologies project ran from 2002 until 2005 and was a Collaborative Project to Create Computational Tools For The Study of Ancient Greek, Early Modern Latin, and Old Norse In A Network of Affiliated Digital Libraries.
- Digital Hippocrates ( A project funded by the National Library of Medicine in 2004 and 2005 to create Greek and English digital editions of works by Hippocrates.
- New Intermediate Greek Lexicon published by Cambridge University Press. I worked with the Lexicon team at Cambridge University from ~2000-2006 to create the database of lexicographic slips that was used in the process of writing dictionary entries for the Lexicon that was published in 2021. The complete project is described on Cambridge’s web pages at The database is described on the Methodology and Future Use Page at and the database is described on the Slips: Textual Citations page at
"Conversation Networks and Topic Communities in Greek Epic (Working Title, Subject to Change). Forthcoming in Digital Approaches to Direct Speech Representation in Greek and Latin Epic (Working Title for edited volume. This work is part of a volume of collected essays that is being produced by the Epic Speeches Network that has been jointly organized by colleagues at the University of Amsterdam, Mount Alison University, and Universität Rostock. Participants in this working group will present their work at conferences during the Summer of 2022 and the Summer of 2023. This work will culminate in the publication in of a volume of collected essays - currently anticipated for late 2023 or early 2024.)
"Understanding the Afflictions-Treatment Network in an Early 20th Century Medical Manuscript from the Jarring Collection." Technical Report Submitted to the Luce Foundation for the grant project "Analyzing Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online (ATMO-2)" and published in 2022 in the project technical report repository at
"Review of Modern Odysseys: Cavafy, Woolf, Césaire, and a Poetics of Indirection by Michelle Zerba". Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2022.04.19.
“Modeling the Sources and Topics of Pliny’s Natural History” in Umanistica Digitale, 11 (2021), 217-229.
"Interpretation of Sentiment Analysis with Human-in-the-Loop" Vijaya Kumari Yeruva, Mayanka Chandrashekar, Yugyung Lee, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Virginia Blanton, Nathan A Oyler. Proceedings of The 4th IEEE Workshop on
Human-in-the-Loop Methods and Future of Work in BigData, December 2020.
"Interpretation of Sentiment Analysis in Aeschylus's Greek Tragedy" Vijaya Kumari Yeruva, Mayanka Chandrashekar, Yugyung Lee, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Virginia Blanton, Nathan A Oyler. Proceedings of The 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, December 2020.
"LiteRary Analysis: Using R to Study Literary Texts" in Text Analytics for Literature: Tools & Methods from the Digital Humanities. Edited by James O'Sullivan. Bloomsbury Press. Forthcoming.
- Songs of Salvation to Salve the Soul: Kleos in O Brother Where Art Thou." International Journal of the Classical Tradition (2021); 28(1):88-97 with initial online publication in June of 2019.
- "Toward an Open Digital Tutorial for Ancient Greek v. 2.0." Digital Humanities Quarterly 10 (2016): 4.
- "An Open Tutorial for Beginning Ancient Greek" in Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching,collaboration, outreach and public engagement, Gabriel Bodard & Matteo Romanello eds. Ubiquity Press. 2016.
- Book Review: Ancient Greek Women in Film by Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013. in Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 45.3 (2016). Pages 303-305.
- The Summa Theologica: A Book History. Melissa Morris, Chainy Folsom, Nathan Oyler, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Virginia Blanton. Codices Occasional Papers. University of Missouri-Kansas City. Paper Number 1. April 2015. Available at
- How to Write a History of the Book. Melissa Morris, Chainy Folsom, Nathan Oyler, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Virginia Blanton. Codices Occasional Papers. University of Missouri-Kansas City. Paper Number 2. April 2015. Available at
- "A Digital Tutorial for Ancient Greek", Classical World (2013) 107.1:111-117.
- "Social Networks and the Language of Greek Tragedy", Journal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, Vol. 1, 2011:
- "Digitizing Latin Incunabula: Challenges, Methods, and Possibilities". In Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure, pp. 159-174. 2010. Gorgias Press, Ed. Melissa Terras, Gregory Crane. Reprint of article that first appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly (2009) 3.1.
- "Digitizing Latin Incunabula: Challenges, Methods, and Possibilities" Digital Humanities Quarterly (2009) 3.1:
- "Early Modern Culture in a Comprehensive
Digital Library." (with Wolfgang Schibel) D-Lib (2006) 12.3:
- "Talking About Violence: Clustered
Participles in the Speeches of Lysias." Literary and Linguistic Computing, (2005) 20:2:219-235.
- "The Cultural Heritage Language Technologies
Consortium" D-Lib (2005) 11.5:
- "Report on the Delos/NSF working group on
Emerging Language Technologies and the Rediscovery of the Past: A Research
Agenda" (with Greg Crane, Kalina Bontcheva, and Clifford Wulfman). Journal
of Digital Libraries (2005)
5.4:309-316 .
- "Automatic Disambiguation of Latin
Abbreviations in Early Modern Texts for Humanities Digital Libraries"
Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries"
- "Towards a Cultural Heritage Digital
Library" (with members of the Perseus Project) Proceedings of the
2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 75-86
- "Oral and Written Sources in Athenian
Forensic Rhetoric" Mnemosyne (2003) 56 652-665.
- "Building an Infrastructure for
Collaborative Digital Libraries in the Humanities" Ariadne (2003)
34: .
- "From Lexicon To Commentary and Back
Again." New England Classical Journal (2002) 29.3:159-167.
- "Keyword Extraction from Ancient Greek
Literary Texts." Literary and Linguistic Computing (2002)
- "Mining Data from the Electronic Greek
Lexicon" Classical Journal. (2002) 98.2:169-174.
- "Vocabulary Building in the Perseus Digital
Library." (with Anne Mahoney) Classical Outlook (2002)
- "A Prototype Multilingual Document Browser
for Ancient Greek Texts" National Review of Hypermedia and
Multimedia (2001) 7:103-114.
- "Management of XML Documents in an
Integrated Digital Library." (With Anne Mahoney and David A. Smith). Markup
Languages: Theory and Practice (2001) 2.3:205-214. (Revised and
slightly expanded version of the article that appeared in Proceedings
of the 2000 Extreme Markup Conference.
- "Document Quality Indicators and Corpus
Editions" (With Anne Mahoney and Gregory R. Crane). Proceedings
of the 2001 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2001. (July 2001)
- "Drudgery and Deep Thought: Designing
Digital Libraries for the Humanities." (With the Perseus Project) Communications
of the Association for Computational Machinery (2001) 44.5:35-40.
- "A Note on Scrabble in Latin" (With
Anne Mahoney) Classical Outlook (2001) 78.2 :58-59.
- "Generalizing the Perseus XML Document
Manager" (With Anne Mahoney, David Smith, and Clifford Wulfman) In
the Proceedings of the Linguistic Exploration Conference,
(December 2000).
- "Knowledge Management and the Perseus
Digital Library" Ariadne (2000) 25: .
(With David A. Smith and Anne Mahoney)
- "Management of XML Documents in an
Integrated Digital Library" (with Anne Mahoney and David Smith) Proceedings
of the 2000 Extreme Markup Conference, (August 2000) p. 219-223.
- "New Technology and New Roles: The Need for
Corpus Editors." (With Gregory R. Crane). Proceedings of the 5th
Annual ACM Digital Library Conference , (July 2000) 5:252-253
- "An Unusual Exclamation in Aeschines'
Against Timarchus (1.73)." Mnemosyne , (2000) 53.4:1-12
- "The Use of the Imperative in the Oedipus
Tyrannus." The New England Classical Journal, (2000)
- "Word Co-Occurrence and Lexical Acquisition
in Ancient Greek Texts." Literary and Linguistic Computing,
(2000) 15.2: 121-129
- "The Perseus Project: A Digital Library for
the Humanities" (With David A. Smith). Literary and Linguistic
Computing, (2000) 15.1:15-25.
- "Renaissance Culture and Society in the
Novels of Elizabeth Eyre." In The Detective as Historian,
eds. A. Browne, R. Browne, and L. Kreiser. Bowling Green State University
Press, 2000. p. 111-121.
- Entries for Aeschines, Antiphon, Cimon, Dio
Chrysostom, Draco, Ephialtes, Hecataeus, Hippias, Isaeus, Lysias, Nicias,
Pericles, Solon, and Themistocles. In Interdisciplinary Biographical
Dictionary of the Ancient World, ed. A. Traver. Greenwood Press,
2001. pp. 1-2, 31-32, 93-94, 129, 141-142, 147, 183, 196-197, 209, 235,
263-264, 284-286, 360-361, 374-375.
- Review of Learn Latin Now! CD ROM. In Computing
and the Classics, (1999) 15.2:1-2
- "Offering Advice: Textual Gifts and
Guest-friendship in Isocrates." In Pomoerium: Studia et
Commentarii ad Orbem Classicum Spectantia, (1998) 3:27-35.
- Review of Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean CD ROM. In Computing and the Classics, (1998) 14.2:1-2.
- Review of Nielsen, T.H. ed. Yet More Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (1998) 98.11:25.
Public Lectures and Presentations
"Relationships, Speakers, and the Network of Ideas in the Iliad." Epic Speeches Network, University of Amsterdam, Mount Alison University, Universität Rostock. University of Rostock: Epic Speeches Network, University of Amsterdam, Mount Alison University, Universität Rostock. June, 2023.
"Methods to cluster speakers and concepts in ancient epic as nodes within a network." Epic Speeches Network, University of Amsterdam, Mount Alison University, Universität Rostock. University of Rostock: Epic Speeches Network, University of Amsterdam, Mount Alison University, Universität Rostock. July, 2022.
"How can we use machine learning and multispectral imaging to unlock the mysteries of a Medieval Spanish chant book?" SKC Science and Technology Webinar Series, Assam, India (remotely presented online), January 27, 2022.
- “Using Network Analysis to Understand the Transmission of Medicines and Cures Across Central Asia.” Visual and Material Culture of the Silk Roads Symposium, University of Kansas Center for East Asian Studies, September 11, 2020.
- "Modeling the Sources and the Topics of Pliny's Natural History." Linda Hall Library, Kansas City Missouri, July 2020.
- "Lightning Talk: Automatic Identification of Topic Clusters Using Network Analysis." University of Missouri Kansas City Digital Humanities Lightning Talks, September 26, 2019.
- "Automatic Detection of Topic Clusters Using Network Analysis." University of Missouri Kansas City Digital Faculty Research Symposium, April 22, 2019.
- "Using XSL to Transform and Extract Information from XML Documents." Digital Humanities Workshops, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, September 2016.
- Introductory lectures and film selection for four week film series in conjunction with the exhibit "Luxury: Treasures of the Roman Empire" at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO August 2016. Spartacus: August 6, 2016, Sign of the Cross: August 13, 2016, Gladiator: August 20, 2016, Fellini Satyricon: August 27, 2016
- "Using Literary and Linguistic Annotation Once You've Created It / XSLT and XPATH" (with David Birnbaum), Digital Humanities Workshops, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, September 2015.
- "Creating Literary and Linguistic Annotation: Advanced Beginner Level XML Annotation" (with David Birnbaum), Digital Humanities Workshops, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, September 2015."
- "Introduction to XML Documents for Humanists," Invited Workshop, University of Kansas Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities, June 2015
- "Statistical Methods for Studying Literature Using R," Invited Workshop, University of Iowa Oberman Center for Advanced Study, September 2014
- "A Hybrid Online System for Teaching Ancient Greek," 1st Annual Meeting of the Digital Classics Association, University of Buffalo, April 2013
- "Introduction to XML & XPath" (with David Birnbaum), Digital Jumpstart Workshops 2013, University of Kansas, March 2012.
- "Quantitative Analysis of Literary Texts With R," THATCamp Kansas, University of Kansas, September 2012.
- "One Approach to Hybrid Ancient Greek," Working With Texts in A Digital Age, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Tufts University, August 2012.
- A Visual Explorer for the Language of Greek Tragedy," NEH Institute on Networks and Network Analysis for the Humanities, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, University of California at Los Angeles, October 2011.
- "Making it Digital: Scholarly Issues and Challenges," The Future of Archives in a Digital Age, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, University of Missouri-Colubmia, February 2011.
- "Introduction to "R" for Humanists," University of Kansas Digital Humanities Forum, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, University of Kansas, September 2011.
- "Social Networks and the Language of Greek Tragedy," 2010 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, Northwestern University, November 2010.
- "Linking the Past to the Future: The Design and Implementation of a Lexicographic Database of Ancient Greek," Digital Humanities Summit, Jeff Rydberg-Cox, University of Kansas Digital Humanites Conference, March 2010.
- "Approaches to Large Scale Digitization of
Early Printed Books." Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies
Through Cyberinfrastructure. A National Science Foundation Funded workshop at the University of
Kentucky, October 2007.
- "Digitizing Latin Incunables" University of Missouri-Kansas
City, School of Computing and Engineering, October 2005.
- "Digitizing Latin Incunables: Challenges and Solutions", 40th
International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo Michigan, May 2005.
- "Digital Libraries and the Challenges of
Digital Humanities" University of Kentucky Center for Computational
Sciences, April 2005.
- "The Homeric Hero on Film" International Conference on Arts
and Humanities, January 2005.
- "Cultural Heritage Language Technologies at
18 months" NSF/IMLS
Digital Library All-Projects Meeting, Washington DC, November 2004.
- "Digital Tools for Learning Latin" Latin Club, Shawnee Mission East
High School, November 2002.
- "Electronic Publication and Academic
Promotion", 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Philological
Association, part of a panel on Electronic Publication And The Classics
- "Cross-Lingual Searching and Visualization
in Greek, Latin and Old Norse Texts" (with Stefan Rueger, Lara
Vetter, and Daniel Heesch). 2004 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital
- "Cultural Heritage Language Technologies: An
Overview". Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome Italy, March 2002
- "The Harmless e-Drudge: A Computational
Tool-Set for Greek (and Latin) Lexicography". University of Kentucky,
Center for Computational Sciences, February 2002.
- "Computational Lexicography and Ancient
Greek" . Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association,
January 2002.
- "What is the Perseus Digital Library?"
Universtiy of Missouri at Kansas City, School of Interdisciplinary
Computing and Engineering, November 2001.
- "Linked Classics: The Perseus Digital
Library and the Study of the Ancient World", Symposium on Virtual
Universities, Sponsored by the Science and the Human Dimension Project at
Jesus College, Cambridge University, September 2001.
- "Document Quality Indicators and Corpus
Editions", ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June
- "Data Extraction and Visualization in the
Perseus Digital Library", at the Istituto di Linguistica
Computazionale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy, June,
- "Computational Lexicography and the New
Intermediate Greek Lexicon." Lexicography Section, Annual Meeting of
the Society for Biblical Literature, November 2000.
- "Oral and Written Sources in Athenian
Forensic Rhetoric." Epea and Grammata: Oral and
Written Communication in Ancient Greece, University of Missouri at
Columbia, June 2000.
- "Computational Approaches to Ancient Greek
Literature." Annual Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature,
November 1999.
- "Re-Presenting Lexica for an Electronic
Environment." Fall Symposium of the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, November 1999.
- "Creating, Integrating, and Expanding
Electronic Reference Works for the Perseus Digital Library." XML and
the Publication of Ancient Near Eastern Texts, Oriental Institute,
University of Chicago, October 1999.
- "Authority, Knowledge, and the Use of the
Imperative in the Oedipus Tyrannus." Annual Meeting of the
Classics Association of the Midwest and South, April 1999.
- "Electronic Commentaries in Perseus."
Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Technology
Showcase, December 1998.
- "Ritual Practice and the Ideal of Isegoria
in the Athenian Assembly." Annual Meeting of the American
Philological Association, December 1997.
- "The Use of Myth in Isocrates' Evagoras."
The University of Chicago Workshop on Ancient Societies, April 1997.
- "Does Isocrates Distinguish between muthos
and muthodes?" Annual Meeting of the Classics Association of
the Midwest and South, April 1997.
- "The Audiences for Isocratean
Rhetoric." The University of Chicago Workshop on Ancient Societies,
March 1997.
- "Offering Advice: Textual Gifts and
Guest-friendship in Isocrates." Annual Meeting of the American
Philological Association, December 1996.
- "The Rhetoric of Myth in Isocrates: An
Introduction." The University of Chicago Workshop on Poetics and
Rhetoric, January 1996.
External Activities
- Co-Owner, Free State Social Work, LLC
Academic Awards
- 2023: Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
- 2015: College of Arts and Sciences Award for Good Teaching
- 2010: Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi
- 2008: Awarded early promotion to full professor
- 2005: Awarded early tenure.
- 2003-2004: Faculty Scholar Award, University of
Missouri Kansas City. An award for faculty with the rank of Assistant
Professor with exceptional early accomplishments and promise for
outstanding future research.
- 2001-2002: New Faculty Teaching Scholar,
University of Missouri Kansas City
- 1995: Ryerson Fellow, The University of Chicago
- 1992-1996: Humanities Fellowship, The University
of Chicago
- 1992: Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, The
Colorado College
- 1992: Gile Award for Excellence in the Study of
Classics, The Colorado College
- 1992: State Finalist, Rhodes Scholarship
- 1991: Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society for the
Social Sciences, The Colorado College
- 1988-1992: Colorado Merit Award for Undergraduate
Achievement, The Colorado College