tags:JWW_FGB63_Vocabulary What does ἀγγέλλω (ἀγγελ) ἀγγελῶ ἤγγειλα ἤγγελκα ἤγγελμαι ἠγγέλθην (cf. ἄγγελος) mean? announce report. What does ἀπ-αγγέλλω mean? bring back word report. What does ἀπο-κρίνομαι mean? mid. dep. give a decision answer. What does ἀπο-κτείνω mean? kill off put to death. What does ἀπο-φαίνω mean? show forth; mid. show one’s own declare express. What does βάλλω (βαλ) βαλῶ ἔβαλον βέβληκα βέβλημαι ἐβλήθην mean? throw throw at hit with stones stone. What does γνώμη ης ἡ mean? opinion plan judgment. What does ἐκ-βάλλω mean? throw out expel. What does κάω (καυ) καύσω ἔκαυσα κέκαυκα κέκαυμαι ἐκαύθην mean? burn. What does κρίνω (κριν) κρινῶ ἔκρῑνα κέκρικα κέκριμαι ἐκρίθην mean? divide distinguish decide judge. What does κτείνω (κτεν) κτενῶ ἔκτεινα ἔκτονα mean? kill. What does μένω μενῶ ἔμεινα μεμένηκα mean? remain stay wait for last. What does φαίνω (φαν) φανῶ ἔφηνα πέφαγκα and πέφηνα πέφασμαι ἐφάνθην and ἐφάνην (cf. φανερός) mean? bring to light show; mid. and pass. show oneself appear. What is the Greek word for announce report? ἀγγέλλω (ἀγγελ) ἀγγελῶ ἤγγειλα ἤγγελκα ἤγγελμαι ἠγγέλθην (cf. ἄγγελος) What is the Greek word for bring back word report? ἀπ-αγγέλλω What is the Greek word for mid. dep. give a decision answer? ἀπο-κρίνομαι What is the Greek word for kill off put to death? ἀπο-κτείνω What is the Greek word for show forth; mid. show one’s own declare express? ἀπο-φαίνω What is the Greek word for throw throw at hit with stones stone? βάλλω (βαλ) βαλῶ ἔβαλον βέβληκα βέβλημαι ἐβλήθην What is the Greek word for opinion plan judgment? γνώμη ης ἡ What is the Greek word for throw out expel? ἐκ-βάλλω What is the Greek word for burn? κάω (καυ) καύσω ἔκαυσα κέκαυκα κέκαυμαι ἐκαύθην What is the Greek word for divide distinguish decide judge? κρίνω (κριν) κρινῶ ἔκρῑνα κέκρικα κέκριμαι ἐκρίθην What is the Greek word for kill? κτείνω (κτεν) κτενῶ ἔκτεινα ἔκτονα What is the Greek word for remain stay wait for last? μένω μενῶ ἔμεινα μεμένηκα What is the Greek word for bring to light show; mid. and pass. show oneself appear? φαίνω (φαν) φανῶ ἔφηνα πέφαγκα and πέφηνα πέφασμαι ἐφάνθην and ἐφάνην (cf. φανερός)