tags:JWW_FGB40_Vocabulary What does εἴσω (cf. εἰς) mean? adv. inside within. What does ἑκατέρωθεν mean? adv.on both sides or flanks. What does εὐνοϊκῶς (cf. εὔνους) mean? adv. with good will kindly. What does ἐχθρός ά όν mean? hostile; ἐχθρός ο as noun enemy foe. What does κύκλος ου ὁ mean? circle curve. What does κυκλόω κυκλώσω etc. mean? encircle hem in. What does ὅμως mean? adv. nevertheless yet still however. What does πλησιάζω (πλησιαδ) πλησιάσω etc. mean? approach. What does στερέω στερήσω etc. mean? deprive rob bereave. What does σῴζω (σω σωδ) σώσω ἔσωσα σέσωκα σέσωμαι and σέσωσμαι ἐσώθην mean? save rescue keep safe; mid. and pass. save oneself be saved alive return safely. What does σῶμα ατος τό mean? body life person. What is the Greek word for adv. inside within? εἴσω (cf. εἰς) What is the Greek word for adv.on both sides or flanks? ἑκατέρωθεν What is the Greek word for adv. with good will kindly? εὐνοϊκῶς (cf. εὔνους) What is the Greek word for hostile; ἐχθρός ο as noun enemy foe? ἐχθρός ά όν What is the Greek word for circle curve? κύκλος ου ὁ What is the Greek word for encircle hem in? κυκλόω κυκλώσω etc. What is the Greek word for adv. nevertheless yet still however? ὅμως What is the Greek word for approach? πλησιάζω (πλησιαδ) πλησιάσω etc. What is the Greek word for deprive rob bereave? στερέω στερήσω etc. What is the Greek word for save rescue keep safe; mid. and pass. save oneself be saved alive return safely? σῴζω (σω σωδ) σώσω ἔσωσα σέσωκα σέσωμαι and σέσωσμαι ἐσώθην What is the Greek word for body life person? σῶμα ατος τό