An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth Along With Some Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth

An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth Along With Some Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth

Linda Hall Library Collection Table of Contents

AN EXAMINATION OF Dr. BURNET'S Theory of the Earth.
  The Introduction.
  Chap. I.
  Chap. II.
  Chap. III.
  Chap. IV.
  Chap. V.
  Chap. VI.
  Chap. VII.

SOME REMARKES ON Mr. WHISTON'S Theory of the Earth.

Electronic edition published by Cultural Heritage Langauge Technologies and funded by the National Science Foundation International Digital Library Program. This text has been proofread to a medium degree of accuracy. It was converted to electronic form using data entry.

AN EXAMINATION OF Dr. BURNET'S Theory of the Earth.


Chap. II.

Of the Chaos.

That the Earth was formed from a Chaos, must be unquestionably own'd by all, who acknowledge the truth of the Holy Scriptures, for they tell us, that in the beginning the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep: which is a most excellent description of that Chaos, from which the world arose. From it therefore the Theorist begins to frame his Antediluvian earth by the sole help of Natural and Mechanical causes. He supposes the Chaos to be the matter of the earth and heavens, without form or regularity, reduc'd into a fluid Masse, wherein are the materials and ingredients of all Bodies mingled in confusion one with another, without any order of higher or lower, heavier or lighter, solid or volatile. The first change he imagins that did happen to this Masse, was, that the heaviest and grossest parts sunk down towards the middle of it (for there he supposes the Center of its

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