An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth Along With Some Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth

An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth Along With Some Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth

Linda Hall Library Collection Table of Contents

AN EXAMINATION OF Dr. BURNET'S Theory of the Earth.
  The Introduction.
  Chap. I.
  Chap. II.
  Chap. III.
  Chap. IV.
  Chap. V.
  Chap. VI.
  Chap. VII.

SOME REMARKES ON Mr. WHISTON'S Theory of the Earth.

Electronic edition published by Cultural Heritage Langauge Technologies and funded by the National Science Foundation International Digital Library Program. This text has been proofread to a medium degree of accuracy. It was converted to electronic form using data entry.


SOME REMARKES ON Mr. WHISTON'S Theory of the Earth.

THO' I think it impossible to give a True and Mechanical account, of that great Deluge of waters which once overflowed the Face of the whole Earth, it being a work not to be performed without the extraordinary contrivance of the Divine power; yet I cannot but acknowledge that Mr. Whiston the Ingenious Author of this new Theory of tbe Earth, has made greater discoveries, and proceeded ed on more Philosophical Principles than all the Theorists before him have done. In his Theory there are some very strange coincidents which make it indeed probable, that a Comet at the

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